
About The Average Craftsman

Tim Tuttle - The Average CraftsmanWelcome to my website!  My name is Tim Tuttle aka The Average Craftsman and let me tell you a bit about myself.

I created this site for a few reasons:

  1. To document my projects
  2. To share what I have learned (both good and bad)
  3. And to learn from you (please comment on anything and everything!)

My maker journey started in earnest back in December of 2016.  A simple desire to have a work area for odds and ends around the house has turned into an obsession to build just about anything that pops into my head.

Since then, I have proceeded to dive in head first, eagerly tackling each new challenge that comes my way.  Any waking moment that I wasn’t at my day job I was working diligently converting my garage into, what is now, a fairly respectable (okay, maybe just average) workshop or watching YouTube videos on how to build the next thing on my list.

After watching countless hours of video, I decided to give it a go myself.  And here we are.  This is my journey into becoming an above average craftsman.

On this site, you’ll find a plethora of content, including articles, videos, project plans, as well as a few Seinfeld quotes.

I hope you enjoy what you find. Please leave whatever feedback you have in comments or by using the Contact page.


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